Crystal D
Language(s): PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3
Framework(s): Magento, WordPress
Crystal D is a dynamic organization that designs, produces and ships customized awards. Crystal D offers 1300+ awards, gifts and wall plaques in various price ranges, all of which are available for purchase on their website.
Crystal D brought me on as Lead Developer to redo data mapping and transition the sight away from Magmi as it was not meeting the company’s needs. I worked with the leadership team at Crystal D to help identify problems and brainstorm possible solutions that would streamline business and improve customer experience. I worked in collaboration with top leadership and the tech team at Crystal D to bring code up to best practices standards, automate the product import process, and put systems in place that enable a once daily ERP product update in Magento. In addition, I re-wrote code to make the company website mobile responsive, and added a guest wishlist and filters to improve user experience.
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