Crystal D Private Label
Language(s): PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3
Framework(s): WordPress
Crystal D is a dynamic organization that designs, produces and ships customized awards. Crystal D offers 1300+ awards, gifts and wall plaques in various price ranges, all of which are available for purchase on their website.
Crystal D’s old private label website was built on Drupal and had become outdated and in need of an upgrade. I worked with Crystal D’s marketing department to help create a new and modernized private label website. The new site incorporates features customers loved from the original site into a site distributors can share.
Using the requirements gathered from the marketing team, I helped create a WordPress Multisite in which distributors can register and create their own custom private label site. Using Crystal D’s product catalog, the distributor can select what products they want to share with their customers and also set custom price margins. I also created a way to have a parent site share basic pages across all distributor sites, allowing Crystal D to stay in control of important content, while giving distributors flexibility to brand their site.
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